If you’re thinking of turning ‘green’, ponder this …Donna Davison writing a new superfoods recipe. What will it be?

Which ‘greens product’ will deliver you the best results ?


Here’s a vital factor to weigh up … how many ingredients are FERMENTED?digestion process

‘Fermentation’ is an extremely powerful component of my greens powder formula because it boosts its potency and efficacy. Fermentation produces ‘friendly or probiotic bacteria’ to help re-balance your gut from the negative impact of poor food and lifestyle choices. These choices have a huge affect on the natural balance of the trillions of bacteria in your gut responsible for digestion and absorption of vital nutrients, and therefore a flow-on effect to your general health. Over time the effects on your mind and body’s ability to function normally are noticeably diminished and your sense of well-being declines.

This is why I chose TOTALLY FERMENTED ingredients for my super greens powder formula …

The fermentation process ensures ingredients are naturally probiotic. The latest scientific research reveals the tremendous value of incorporating fermented foods into our diet if we are trying to restore and/or maintain the health of our gut. In fact, ‘the health of our gut’ really means our total health, because it’s impossible for our bodies to be healthy without our gut performing well. It is the core of the engine of our bodies and determines how efficiently we absorb, utilise and distribute nutrients from our food to every organ and cell of our body; as well as how efficiently we eliminate wastes and toxins.

Fermentation makes the ingredients even more powerful and effective …

Not only are fermented ingredients more easily digested and assimilated into the body, but the probiotic bacteria actually produce vitamin B. This significant increase in your levels of vitamin B boosts your ability to convert your food into fuel, allowing you to stay energized throughout the day.

Fermented foods are becoming the recognised ‘stars’ in the regulation and support of optimum gut health. Current research indicates that there may very well be many more benefits to the fermentation process yet to be discovered, but, what we already know should be enough to tip the decision of any prospective buyer towards choosing a fermented supergreens product over a non-fermented product.

Fermenting the ingredients makes them a little more expensive than the non-fermented ones, but in my opinion, they are worth every penny because I have personally experienced their increased effectiveness and seen it working for others too.

Today, quality of life for many people is being significantly improved by simply adding fermented foods like kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage) into their diets.

However, not everybody can handle eating such strong smelling, intensely flavoured vegetables – they often lack the time and know-how to create them in the kitchen – so they prefer to access the benefits of fermentation by adding a ‘fermented Greens powder’ in their morning smoothie. That’s why I created the superfood fermented greens powder blend, the Green Smoothie Shot.

If you’re trying to decide which greens powder is right for you …Green Smoothie Shot

You should take a little time to find out about the difference between fermented and non-fermented ingredients. It is too significant a factor to ignore …  if you are really looking for optimum results.

Why should you consider my fermented greens product? Here’s some more detailed info:
What’s so special about the green smoothie shot?

In my next blog, I’ll reveal more about why fermentation is so important to all of our future health and dietary plans. I’ll also supply more links to expert information and research to support this argument.


Eat better, think better, and feel better

Donna Davidson and her unique fermented greens powder superfoods smoothie
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Donna Davidson,