This chocolate crunchies recipe was gifted to me from my friend Anna Fairhall-Cate. I’m sure you could add a few other Superfoodie ingredients if you wanted, like 1 Tbsp. of Lucuma or Maca Powder, or some cacao nibs! But I’m passing on the recipe in its original form,
because Anna always does things superbly. Thanks Anna!

Chocolate Crunchies Ingredients

2 cups coconut oil – in-between hard and runny… slushy
1 cup SuperFoodies cacao powder
1 Tbsp. vanilla essence
1/4 c rice syrup (or other sweetener – try to avoid fructose based)

1 c chopped activated almonds
1 c chopped activated walnuts
1/2 c chopped activated pecans
1/2 c activated sunflower seeds, toasted
1/2 c activated pumpkin seeds, toasted
1 c shredded coconut

Chocolate Crunchies Preparation Method

Using a balloon whisk, beat coconut oil on medium speed until it becomes fluffy. Keep scraping sides as you go. Or you can use a hand held beater. A food processor doesn’t work as the process needs to be aerated.

Add cacao, essence and syrup, blend till smooth.

Mix in other ingredients by hand. Spoon into patty cases sitting in muffin tins.

Store in the fridge. Makes 30.


They’re delicious, and oh so healthy!!! I used the chocolate rice krispies we had as kids as inspiration.
A xx