Yacon root is harvested in Peru and Bolivia and is gaining popularity as an alternative natural sweetener. Also known as Peruvian ground apple, Yacon is sweet in flavour but low-glycaemic. Organic Yacon Powder contains high levels of inulin a fructooligosaccharide that provides sweetness in a form that is indigestible by humans so therefore will not affect blood sugar levels and simply passes through the digestinal tract to be eliminated. Since these sugars are not digested they are also low in calories making it suitable for diet and low calorie foods.

The Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) sugars in Yacon cannot be fully digested. The body treats them as soluble fibre and they pass into the gut where they provide beneficial bulk helping the movement of waste through the intestine. In addition they promote the fermentation of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Consequently they provide only about one third the calories of sugar. Another great benefit is an almost zero glycaemic index, making it suitable for diabetics. Tests have also shown other benefits including regulation of blood sugar and insulin levels and improvement in cholesterol levels.

Organic Yacon Powder Health Benefits

Apart from the benefits of being a low-glycaemic sweetener, (meaning it won’t spike your blood sugar levels like regular sugar) yacon root is thought to be prebiotic. According to David Wolfe in his book “Superfood: The Food and Medicine of the Future” ‘as a prebiotic, yacon is good for digestion, stimulates positive colon health and helps with the absorption of calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. Yacon helps to regulate friendly intestinal flora.’ In addition the Organic Yacon Powder is a good source of potassium, calcium, phosphorous and iron.

Serving suggestions

Add 1 Tbsp to smoothies for flavour and sweetness, use on cereal, in baking.

Nutrition Information

Serving Size 15g 1Tbsp
Per Serve Per 100g
Energy 50 Cal 300 Cal
Carbohydrates 13g 86g
Fibre 1g 6.6g
Sugars 6g 40g
Protein 0g 0g
Calcium 20mg 133mg
Iron .36mg 2.40mg
Sodium 15mg 100mg
Vit C 6mg 40mg
Vit A 100IU 666IU
Total Fat 0g 0g

 Organic Yacon Powder

After opening reseal pouch and store in dry place away from sunlight.

USDA organic