Something a little different for me, from my garden I’ve taken spinach, flat leaf parsley, beetroot, lemon and ginger to make a fresh detoxifying smoothie. No dairy, no alternative milks, no gluten or soy….. It’s a goodie!!!

Picking from the garden detoxifying smoothie1 good handful of spinach
1 handful of Italian flat leaf parsley
½ beetroot
½ pear /or apple
1 banana
1 good thumbnail of fresh ginger
1 glass water
1 TBS lucuma powder
1 TBS maca powder (if you have not tried maca before try 1 tsp first or substitute with sacha inchi protein powder)
1 tsp Cinnamon powder
Juice of ½ lemon plus some rind

Place all ingredients in blender and blitz to a consistency of your taste. The cinnamon is a warming stimulant traditionally used for digestive ailments. Beetroot detoxifies and spinach is a vegetable hero. Makes a very generous serving for one (could be for 2)