With the arrival of the spring equinox and daylight Step into Spring with a superfood smoothie... and put a spring in your step!saving we can truly say that Spring has sprung in New Zealand …

Spring greens are shooting up everywhere, blossom is blossoming, and much of nature seems to be waking up from its annual winter sleep.

For many of us, Spring is an exciting time which invigorates our senses and fills us with the energy to throw off our winter lethargy, throw open our windows, start going for walks, cleaning our houses, and, as the temperatures begin to warm and the days grow longer, we start becoming a ‘whole lot’ more physically active.

How about you?

Are you ready to step into spring? Or, do you find yourself wishing that winter would carry on for another month, just so you can just roll over and go back to sleep? Finding the energy to tackle life’s tasks, and actually enjoy them, can be tough with all the demands and stresses that constantly come our way.

Superfoods can really help you find the extra energy you need …

If you’ve been struggling for energy and feeling constantly tired and drained, try doing what I did; have a superfoods green smoothie for breakfast every morning, and watch your energy levels increase, along with a feeling of balance and well-being. Green smoothies are all about alkalizing your digestive system, and balancing gut bacteria so you are set up to receive better nutrition from your food.

After a while you will be able to step into spring with a spring in your step, and then bound into summer full of boundless energy. That’s been my experience and I’m confident it will be yours as well. While everybody is different, and I can’t guarantee that your body will react to superfoods the way mine did, most people I know who try them tell me about how much more energy they experience, and how much better they feel generally.


Step into Spring, with a superfood green smoothie every morning … and put a spring in your step!

To celebrate the arrival of the spring equinox, I’m chopping 30% off the price of my Green Smoothie Shot powder …

If you already regularly use Green Smoothie Shot, this is a chance to stock up and save some money on your favourite product. If you’re thinking of trying superfoods smoothies, this is the one to try! Experience the benefits, and, with 30% off, it’s a great time to go green (smoothies) for spring, and put more spring in your step.